Have you found yourself unable to enjoy your daily routine because of pain? Do you think you’re still suffering from the effects of a previous injury or degenerative condition that calls for constant pain management? If so, you might find that your “go-to” pain relief technique comes in the form of medication. However, prescription drugs pose threats of their own to your health! Physical therapy is a safe and effective way to receive pain relief. Our innovative care strategies at Compleat Rehab & Sports Therapy will help you find quick relief. Contact our office to learn more about this type of treatment, and find out how physical therapy can benefit you the most!
Why Don’t I Need Drugs With Physical Therapy?
There is an opioid epidemic going on in our country. While it’s true that drugs give quick relief from many forms of pain, that relief is only temporary. Drugs can harm you just as much as they can help you, and the most obvious example of this is addiction to opioids. Opioid dependence has become a real life nightmare right before our eyes, and many people have unfortunately lost their lives due to overdose.
Even over-the-counter medications can be dangerous: aspirin can cause internal bleeding if taken too often for too long, and other popular drugs like acetaminophen and ibuprofen can cause severe damage to the organs.
You might be wondering “If I shouldn’t take those, what am I supposed to do to stop the pain?” That’s where physical therapy comes in! Physical therapy can provide the pain relief you’re looking for without forcing you to risk drug dependence or side effects. One of the best things about physical therapy is that it can address your pain symptoms as well as the underlying cause of your pain. Physical therapists can do thorough evaluations to figure out exactly what is ailing you. Then they can provide a mix of therapeutic techniques to help ease your pain, such as:
- Exercises and stretches to loosen tight muscles, strengthen weakened areas, and increase your range of motion
- Stress management recommendations to help you avoid unnecessary physical tension
- Manual therapies such as massage to release internal scar tissue or painful muscle knots
- Postural corrections and exercises to reduce nerve impingement problems and symptoms
When Does Pain Become Chronic Pain?
Everyone experiences pain. It’s a normal part of being alive! Pain is your body’s natural warning system, and it’s a very important and useful asset under the right circumstances. When you experience pain, your nerve signals are alerting you to a problem that requires attention, from an infected area or traumatic injury to joint or overuse of a particular muscle group. This is especially true of acute pain. Sensations of pain and stiffness discourage you from using an injured body part while it’s healing, and once the condition resolves on its own or receives treatment, the pain goes away.
However, in many cases, pain can linger for months (or even years) after your body has done all it can to heal or address the underlying problem. This is chronic pain, and it affects roughly 116 million people in the U.S. alone. Chronic pain might plague you constantly, or it may come and go in bouts that last for weeks at a time.
Common Causes of Chronic Pain
Chronic pain can develop for a variety of reasons. The most common causes and types of chronic pain include some of the following.
- Joint disorders – One example of a joint disorder is osteoarthritis, a degenerative condition that can cause chronic pain.
- Neuropathy – Nerve damage, disease, or impingement can cause pain as well as numbness, tingling, and other unpleasant symptoms.
- Chronic strain – Overuse of a joint can damage your tissues faster than they can repair themselves, causing chronic strain and inflammation.
- Stress – Chronic emotional stress can lead to unremitting physical tension and pain.
- Post-injury/surgery pain – Internal scar tissue may form after an injury or operation. This formation can interfere painfully with normal muscle and connective tissue motion.
- Muscle knots and spasms – Chronic tension due to a physical imbalance or systemic disorder can leave you with painful muscle knots known as trigger points.
If you are experiencing any of the above conditions, it’s important to contact a physical therapist’s office as soon as possible for an assessment. The sooner you see a therapist, the quicker you’ll be back up and running!
Call Our Office Today To Schedule An Appointment
If you’re ready for a pain management solution that doesn’t come from a pill bottle, it’s time to call in the professionals. Contact our physical therapy office today to learn more about our non-invasive, safe, and effective pain management options. We’ll have you feeling like your old self in no time at all!
Tags: health, healthytips, physicaltherapy, healthandwellness, achesandpains, naturalpainrelief, physicaltherapist, wellness, pt