Category: health

Aug20th 2021

Living in Constant Pain? Here Are 9 Ways Changing Up Your Diet Can Help!

Have you been living with constant chronic pain? If so, the pain might have become unbearable. Pain and inflammation are two health issues that affect much of the population in America. According to the National Institutes of Health, one in four Americans suffer from pain lasting longer than 24 hours. Thankfully, there are ways for

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Aug10th 2021

Physical Therapy Can Address These 6 Possible Causes of Your Hip & Knee Pain!

Have you noticed yourself limping or hobbling around your house? Have you accepted the fact that your once active lifestyle is no more? Are your hips and knees refusing to work the way they should without causing pain? Your quality of life has most likely dropped drastically if you’re nodding your head “yes” to any

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Jul20th 2021

Find Pain Relief From Arthritis Without Using Medication

Arthritis can come from pain in the ankles, knees, hands, elbows, or hips, and it can affect just about anyone! Sometimes it’s a pop in your knee as you descend a flight of stairs, or a painful crack in your fingers when you try to open a jar. No matter what pain symptom it may

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